Bauerschmidt Genealogy

Research on the Family Name

Famous Bauerschmidts

Here is a brief listing of some of the more notable Bauerschmidts in history. These individuals have been chosen as representative of the breadth of accomplishments covering the fields of art, architecture, music, religion, business, sports and military over a period of three centuries.

Time Period Name Location Accomplishment
Art and Architecture
1669 - 1728 Jan Pieter van Baurscheit Antwerp, Belgium Sculptor, best known for his church statues and busts of Belgian kings. His workshop also created hundreds of garden sculptures and vases many of which are still on display in parks or gardens in Belgium. His relief of the abduction of Persephone by Hades is on display in the Belgium Royal Museum of the Arts in Brussels. A biography and listing of his known works can be found in Allgemeines Küstler- Lexicon, Der Bildenden Küstler aller Zeiten und Völker, 1993, Band 7.
1699 - 1768 Jan Pieter van Baurscheit, the younger Antwerp, Belgium Son of Jan Pieter van Baurscheit, the elder. Architect and builder, who specialized in the baroque and rococo styles. He is best known for his restoration work on castles such as Gravenwezel or Boekenberg and for design of the Osterreith House and the Royal Palace on Meir street in Antwerp. Here is a brief on-line biography and a detailed PhD thesis on his life and work. Both are written in Dutch.
1891 - 1975 Maria Bauernschmidt-Clementschitsch Vienna, Austria Impressionist painter, best known for her landscapes and still lifes. Although born in München, Germany, she made her fame in Vienna, Austria where several of her paintings are on display in the State Museum. Check out some samples of her paintings at artnet.
1700's Johann Georg Bauerschmidt Bamberg, Germany Classical music organist, see the entry for him in classical music composers online database. Also, listed in Bavarian Musicians Dictionary Online.
Early 1800s Robert L. Bauernschmidt Germany Baroque composer and arranger; you can find sheet music and/or recordings for some of his arrangements for sale from various music shops.
1799 - 1810 William Ferdinand Bauerschmidt St. Petersburg, Russia Pastor of the Evangelical Lutheren Church and informal leader of German community in czarist Russia during the reign of Catherine the Great.
1806 - 1864 Karl Gustov Wilhelm Baurschmidt Luechow, kingdom of Hannover Pastor of St. Johannis Evangelical church. Leader of the protest against the new Katechismus of 1862. Here is a German article about him [English translation] and his battle to maintain the liberal Lutheren tradition.
1860s - 1920 Fred and George Bauernschmidt Baltimore, Maryland Brothers who ran competing breweries making Bauernschmidt beer. You can still find beer bottles for Fred Bauernschmidt or George Bauernschmidt beer being sold on antique bottle websites.
In 1901, many Baltimore companies (including Maryland Brewing Co., Globe Brewery Baltimore) merged together to start the the Gottlieb-Bauernschmidt-Straus Brewing Co.. In 1921, the company changed its name to the Globe Brewing & Mfg. Co. (aka Globe Bottling & Sales Co.) In 1933, the company changed its name to the Globe Brewing Co. Globe Brewing was the maker of Arrow Beer. Here is a video walk-through of Bauernschmidt Manor in the Baltimore area.
1970s George Charles Bauerschmidt Manhatten, New York, U.S. Advertizing executive listed in Who's Who in America
1968 Marita Bauerschmidt Leipzig, East Germany (DDR) Bronze medalist, summer olympics, Mexico City, women's team gymnastics competition. Here is a link to a website with her scores and results from the 1968 Olympics.
World War I Major Hugo Bauernschmitt Austria German officer assigned to command the 2nd battalion of the 1st regiment of the 1st brigade of the Austro-Hungarian Alpenkorps.
World War II George William Bauernschmidt Baltimore, Maryland, U.S. Rear Admiral U.S. navy, staff postions in both Atlantic and Pacific fleets. Here is his navy obituary.
Other Famous Bauerschmidts
1500's Peter Pauernschmid Nürnberg, Germany Not really an accomplishment, but this is the earliest “Bauerschmidt” image we know of.
1750's Jacob Bauerschmiedt Philadelphia First “Bauerschmidt” to reach North America, he was a Palatinate emigrant from Klein-Gartach, Germany
World War II Charlotte Bauerschmidt Berlin, Germany Charlotte is among the "Unbesungene Helden" honored by the German Senate as one of those who aided Jews during the Nazi period. Charlotte & her husband Hermann sheltered a Jewish family and aided in their escape, according to the citation.